Travel through space and time around the world on an expedition with Jesstar the puppeteer and her puppets. The puppets are on a race set by the King and Merlin the Wizard to find the fastest and most gallant puppet from around the world—with contestants from Mexico, Italy, Australia, China, Ireland, and America, competing to win a gold nugget. Along the way, one of the puppets comes to realise that friendship is more important than winning.
Viewers will be dazzled and amazed by the world of puppetry and the performer's unique talent filling the audience with laughter, joy, amazement, and adventure all the way.
Puppet show 30 mins and 15 min interaction with audience - 2 performers
5- to 10-year-olds
30 to 100 audience guests. A standard is 50 to a 100 people who have attended puppet shows in the past.
Jesstar Puppet show - link: